Website Design Company
$299 eCommerce Website
The $299 Special eCommerce Package Website is a popular product for online shops (shopping carts) offering clothing, jewelry, watches, cosmetics, books, car parts, etc.
Check the $299 Special eCommerce Package Website layout on the right hand side of this page. It contains your most important information your clients look for along with unlimited individual pages for your products. The platform supports unlimited products, you can upload as many items as you need.
We offer you a discount if you have just a few products (up to 3) or if you sell books. Just inquire.
Do I need an ecommerce website?
We get this question very often and the answer is very simple.
Do you want to sell products -or- just publish information about you or your business so other people can visit it and learn about it online?
If you just want to publish information online about you or your business, then you don’t need an ecommerce (AKA shopping cart). You need an informational website. Please leave this page by visiting this this link.
If you wish to sell products in the internet such as clothing, jewelry, watches, cosmetics, books, car parts, etc. and receive money for the sales into your bank account or Paypal account or both, then you need an ecommerce (AKA shopping cart) and you are at the right place.
$499 eCommerce Website Structure
The $299 Special eCommerce Package Website is crafted with the best structure in mind:
- Home page with the latest arrivals and categories display
- About page
- Contact Page
- Privacy Policy
- Shipping Policy
- Return Policy
- Terms of Services
- FAQs
- Shop Page
- Checkout Page
- Unlimited Products
You will be the owner of the website.
We will provide you the username and password of the website backend administration area.
You will be able to add or update product text and photos yourself very easily.
The $299 Classic Website is one time design fee. No hidden fees, no monthly fees.
The website includes 12 month free VPS hosting so it helps you test the waters of your startup.
*After 12 months, the VPS hosting renews at $99 next year.
You can also opt out our VPS hosting. Just buy your own hosting and we will build your website there.
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